

I was born in Beirut Lebanon in 1968. I grew up during the 15 year civil war that devastated my beautiful hometown. When I was 15 years old I took a photo with an instamatic camera that was published in the local photography magazine “The Art of Photography” (“فن التصوير”). My father was so happy that he bought me my first SLR, a Canon AE1. In college, a photograph of mine of a rural street at dusk, won the first prize (color) at the university’s Department of Photography contest. Almost 35 years have passed since then and I continue to practice photography as my main hobby. I have had two group, one duo and one solo exhibitions of my work. Since the pandemic of 2020 I have become more serious about street photography and I have a book coming out soon of photos taken in the fateful year of 2020.

I also am passionate about music and particularly the improvisational type. Some of the photos here are taken during musical events I attended. Although mostly self taught, I have been receiving private lessons via videoconferencing from the renowned and award winning photographer Adriana Mateo who helped me immensely in putting together this website.

Hrayr Attarian